For World Cat Day

August 8, 2016 § Leave a comment

from -273.15 by Peter Reading (Bloodaxe Books, 2005)

For I will consider my cat Tikka:
For she is an atheist;
For she does the eight rolly-polly in the mornings;
For this is the manner in which she chooooses
To express her gratitude and affection;
For she will leap upon the volumes
Heaped upon me by the TLS for review
And knock them all asunder
(This being an empirical demonstration
Of anarchy, and, to mention Lucretius,
Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum);
For she doth remark that ‘In Egypt we was Sacred and all that’;
For she doth consider how God is defunct;
For she can can-can, mew and chew biscuits and consider
How she and I and my wife are also defunct.

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